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What makes a Team


The Strength of the WOLF is the PACK

The Strength of the PACK is the WOLF

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High Performing Teams


The most often asked questions from my clients are “What are the most important characteristics of a high-performing team, and how would you prioritize them?” Thankfully, I have been asking myself these same questions for most of my adult life, starting when I was sixteen or seventeen. My father had been a professional athlete (baseball and basketball) and was the head basketball coach at a small college in New England. I grew up playing team sports and often felt that I saw the playing fields through my father's perspective, after filtering it with my own experiences. I understood the power of synergy, of everyone on the team working together towards the same common goals, and the power of competitive spirits driving themselves and each other towards excellence.

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The Goose Story


Next fall, when you see geese heading south for the winter, flying along in a “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way.

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Power of Teamwork


The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack The Strength of the Pack is the Wolf

Think about this

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Inspiration and Dedication


The following is an excerpt from our book, "You Can Lead," A Practical Guide To Leadership. The premise of the book is a conversation between me and my wife, Donna Riechmann, Ph.D., who is also my partner at You Can Lead, LLC, about Leadership and Team Development. In the book, we talk about all aspects of Leadership, provide a model for becoming a great leader, and include case studies of actual executive coaching. This excerpt is a conversation about my Dad, who was the best leader I have ever known.

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Leadership is Magic


Leadership is Magic is a conversation between my wife Donna and me, about how leadership often comes from unexpected people and places. This is a story of a young man who inspired me by his desire to help those who were less fortunate than he was. Hopefully, his story will inspire you.

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Donna, my wife, and I are members of an Airstream (Silver Bullet Trailer) community. On July 4th of this year, we were sitting around a campfire making s’mores. (Everyone likes s’mores. You know, Graham crackers, marshmallows and Hershey bars). This diverse group represents all of America. Some are wealthy, some struggle on social security checks. Some are from the North and others from the south. Some are children of immigrants, some are black, some Hispanic and some are white. There were Republicans, Democrats, Independents, NRA members, Tea Partiers and some who believe we need an enlightened despot who would not be afraid to make decisions. All are happy to be sitting around that fire and eating s’mores, singing patriotic songs and talking about the current state of our government. The following question was a result of this conversation.

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Our Charter


When people ask us what we do at You Can Lead, LLC, we tell them:

We wipe the mist off the mirror, allowing clients to see themselves as the leader they are, and the impact they have on others. Then we help them build a bridge from the leader they are to the great leader they want to become, and we accompany them across that bridge.

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